
  • Troubled Waters

    Riley is the head writer of the Troubled Waters podcast, the show that pits comedians against each other in a battle royal for pop culture supremacy, hosted by Dave Holmes and brought to you by the Maximum Fun Network

  • A purple nebulous filter shows Riley, Dan, and Chau Kate with the TARDIS flying by

    The Game of Rassilon

    Run away through time and space with this actual-play roleplaying podcast using Cubicle7’s Doctor Who RPG system. Join Riley Silverman, Dan Peck, Châu Kate Le, Ben Paddon and the Engineer, Michael Nixon as they head out into their own Doctor Who adventures.

    (Game of Rassilon is not affiliated with the BBC)

  • A foggy image of the fictional city of Port Saga with an ominous lighthouse and the title of the show and Vampire the Masquerade centered

    Port Saga

    An original, scripted vampire murder mystery set in the world of the popular Vampire: the Masquerade RPG, Riley voices the mysterious and manipulative Zelda.

Livestream Games

  • Dice Ex Machina

    Riley GM’d this D&D campaign for the Saving Throw Exploration Society. Dice Ex Machina utilizes the Theros campaign setting, an Ancient Greek inspired setting first utilized in Magic the Gathering and later featured in the Mythic Odysses of Theros D&D sourcebook.

    A digital art logo of ancient Greek columns with the words "Dice Ex Machina" and "Toga. Party. Kill."
  • Rat Queens

    Riley played as Braga the Orc in HyperRPG’s official tabletop adaptation of the popular comic book series, Rat Queens.

    The series also starred Aliza Pearl as Dee, Michelle Nguyen Bradley as Betty, Laurie Jones as Violet, Jessica Verdi as Hannah, and Emily Rose Jacobsen as the GM

    A colorful paint splatter background frames the stars of the show Rat Queens in costume as their characters, with the title in the middle